Another app update for the Active Insights app has now been released, version 1.2.1 brings the following.
The updates include:
- Change Request UI update.
- Change Request Spam Protection.
- App lock in background.
- Stability updates.
Change Request UI Update
A small update is the UI interface has been updated when completing change requests in app. Rather than the standard iOS UI to confirm you have completed a change, the new designed UI will show up.
Change Request Spam Protection update
We noticed that Change Requests could be submitted multiple times in quick success if the UI didn't update in time. So with this update when a change request is being made you will temporarily not be able to make any additional changes
App Lock in Background
The last major update on this new version is that the application will now lock if left open in the background on your device. This is to secure your information if someone else were to pickup your device. The Auto Lock feature will active in 10 minutes if left open while you browse other applications.
Stability Improvements
We are always striving to make the platform quicker and more stable. This includes with this update. We are improving load times on company information and subscriptions data. This is an ongoing mission and will only get better in time.
Data updating Improvements
Lastly, we have added some improvement on the data being updated in the backend of the platform. Again this is an ongoing process, but if you notice anything that doesn't look right, please let me know at